Completed projects

Project implementation period: 01.10.2023–31.03.2024.

Thanks to the support of the Riga City Neighbourhood Residents Centre (AIC) and funding from the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the project “KNOW MORE, ACCOMPLISH MORE” was implemented from October 2023 to March 2024 at the “TVORCHI ZUSTRICHI” (“Creative meetings” in Ukrainian) Cultural and Educational Centre of the association Tavi Draugi.

Within the project, Ukrainians living in Riga had the opportunity to develop their creative skills together with Latvians in various workshops and to get to know the history and cultural heritage of Latvia and Riga in excursions. To facilitate the integration of Ukrainians in Latvian labour market, lectures – seminars on data protection, consumer rights protection, labour law, speech and communication skills development, entrepreneurship and taxation were organised, as well as debate evenings for the exchange of experience between those who have already managed to stand on their own feet and those who are still looking for their opportunities. The board game evenings will be remembered as the most exciting and laughter-filled moments of the project.

What we all together have achieved in these six months:

We let our imagination run wild, relaxed from everyday worries and socialised in creative workshops

We learnt about data protection, consumer rights, how to write a good CV and the secrets of a successful job interview, as well as about business types and the tax system in Latvia


Discovered the secrets of the Old Town in a photo orienteering activity


We looked into the history of the Barricade time and discovered similarities between the grit, stubbornness and resilience of Latvians and Ukrainians in the fight for their country’s independence


Through exercises we learnt to speak more correctly and develop non-verbal communication


We listened to and were inspired by the stories of Ukrainians’ experiences of finding a job in Latvia


We made new friends at board game evenings


More pictures from the project activities: 

Visit page Living Room


Learning materials:







Other information about the project:

Zini vairāk, vari vairāk – Tavi Draugi

“Tavi draugi” ukraiņus un latviešus aicina uz decembra saliedēšanās pasākumiem – Tavi Draugi

“Tavi draugi” februārī aicina uz saliedēšanās pasākumiem ukraiņiem un Latvijas iedzīvotājiem – Tavi Draugi

“Tavi draugi” projektā ukraiņi aktīvi socializējas un iegūst Latvijas darba tirgū nepieciešamas zināšanas


More information about the project activities: 



Project implementation period: 29.09.2022-31.12.2023.

Project location:

  • Grebņeva border crossing point (Latvian-Russian border)
  • Terehova border crossing point (Latvian-Russian border)
  • Vientuļi border crossing point (Latvian-Russian border)
  • Silene border crossing point (Belarus-Russian border)

At the end of 2023, the association Tavi Draugi completed its largest, longest and most challenging project so far, commenced at the end of September 2022 at the borderland of Latvia – Russia by ensuring support for the victims of the Ukrainian war straight after they had crossed the border.

At the support points, persons who had just crossed the border could get the basic essentials, food, warm drinks, water, and hygiene products.  It was possible to charge one’s phone and connect to internet. Volunteers at the border crossing points provided information and helped to address different challenging situations related to medical aid, accommodation, transport etc. Ukrainian civilians had had a long, dangerous and exhausting journey to reach Latvia, they had been queueing for hours for the opportunity to cross the Latvian border, quite often in inhumane conditions, i.e. in rain, cold, hot sun, without shelter, food, water or wc. Therefore, it was important to give them a chance to recover from the hard journey, get warm, have a meal, contact their families or relatives, and decide where to go next.

Over nearly a year and a half, there were moments when four aid points were available at the same time, offering their services 24/7 to those crossing the border. Overall, approximately 50,000 persons received help. The project was supported financially by several organisations, as well as by donations from individuals and businesses; the total costs of the project reached approximately EUR 600,000.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the cooperation and support to ensure daily work at the border crossing points to the following institutions and organisations:

  • PCPM (Polish Center for International Aid)
  • UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
  • association “Gribu palīdzēt bēgļiem” (“I want to help refugees”)
  • State Real Estate
  • State Fire and Rescue Service
  • Municipality of Ludza region
  • State Border Guard
  • IOM (International Organization for Migration)
  • and other organisations and businesses who took part and supported the project.

And our biggest thanks go to our team of volunteers who made this project happen!

63 people were involved in the work at the border crossing points to ensure 24/7 operation of the support centres over the project implementation period.

The border crossing point project is a great proof that together we can accomplish a lot! Keep supporting Ukraine, keep believing in the good!

Project implementation period: 17.01.2024-15.02.2024.

Latvian schoolchildren collect more than 10500 kg of donations for the Ukrainian Army

On the initiative of the students of Āgenskalns State Gymnasium, more than 100 Latvian schools have jointly collected 10 549 kilograms of donated items for the Ukrainian Army during the Schools for Victory campaign. The campaign is run in cooperation with the association Tavi Draugi, who sort the donations and deliver them to the soldiers at the front.

More than 100 schools across Latvia responded to the call to collect donations, initiated by students of Āgenskalns State Gymnasium and Tavi Draugi.  From 17 January to 15 February this year, students collected donations for the Ukrainian army units Azov, Legion-V and Karpatskij Sič, where Sarmīte Cīrule, a nurse from Latvia, stands side by side with Ukrainian soldiers. Students donated food, hygiene products, hand and foot warmers and other much-needed items for soldiers.

Emīlija Kļaviņa, 11th Grade student at Āgenskalns State Gymnasium, initiator of the campaign:  “It is already the second year since the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine. We are convinced that now is the time for us, Latvian schools, to join hands and strive for victory together. We are happy to see so many students helping the defenders of Ukraine, who were teachers, doctors, fathers, brothers and grandfathers of Ukrainian students before the war.”

With the help of Tavi Draugi and other organisations, part of the donations collected by the students have already reached Ukrainian soldiers at the front. Donations are still being accepted, so the total amount of donations collected during the campaign will increase.

“Schools for Victory” is the largest fundraising campaign for the Ukrainian army that we have ever run. We are deeply touched by the initiative and activity of the students. They were active in collecting donations, helping to sort them and volunteering at our warehouse. With their energy and zeal, they have given others a new impetus to act, to help and to do everything in our power to help Ukraine win,” says Beate Bevalde, a representative of the association Tavi Draugi.

Project implementation period: 01.11.2023–30.04.2024.

Project of the Society Integration Foundation

The project “TOGETHER UNTIL VICTORY!” was implemented within the framework of the open call for proposals “NGO Activities in Support of the Civilians of Ukraine”, financed by the Thematic Facility “Emergency Assistance” project No. HOME-2022-AMIF-AG-EMAS-TF1-LV-0012 – UA-SUP of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Contract identification Number: 2023.LV/NVO_UKR/11

The aim of the project was to ensure the functioning of the Association in order to provide services and support to Ukrainian civilians, including provision of premises for extending help.

Over a period of six months, the following activities planned in the project were implemented:

  •     hangar maintenance costs: rent and utilities;
  •     staff remuneration and coverage of the related tax costs;
  •     coverage of communication, stationary and transport costs;
  •     coordination of volunteering.

The expected results of the project were achieved: 1800-2000 visitors per month, staff jobs, up to 200 volunteers per month, ensuring operation of the Assistance and Logistics Centre over six months.

The total eligible costs for the project implementation are EUR 169,080.00, and the funding represents 100% of the project total eligible costs.

The content of the material is the responsibility of the association Tavi Draugi.