tavi draugi

It is our duty to support those who are doing hard in life and who need support or help right now and right here. We believe thattogether we are a powerful force and can achieve more. Thekey to our success is working with the public, any of oursupporters and collaborators.

Charity Projects

Get involved and help us help others! 

These are the most recently added charity projects that need Your financial help. 

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News and updates

Follow the progress on our causes

Continuing the tradition started last year, the charity organization Tavi Draugi is once again inviting everyone to two charity concerts “Angāra saulrieti” (Hangar Sunsets) this summer. The first concert will take place on Wednesday, July 31, starting at 6:00 PM near the organization’s hangar at Ventspils iela 50, Riga, featuring [...]
Ar prieku ziņojam, ka "Tavi draugi" arī šogad piedalīsies sarunu festivālā LAMPA ar divu dienu pasākumu programmu 5. un 6. jūlijā, mūsu zona ir "Kijivas kvartāls" (Nr. 46). [...]
From 1 July to 31 December this year, funds donated to Ukraine by Latvian people at RVMs will be directed to the charity association Tavi Draugi for humanitarian aid shipments to Ukraine.  [...]
No more news to show

help us help

You are the most welcome to help us!
Müsu pienäkums ir atbalstit tos, kam dzive klajas smagi un kam nepieciesams atbalsts tülit un
tagad. Mes ticam, ka kopa mes esam varens speks un varam sasniegt vairak. Panakumu atslega ir sadarbiba ar sabiedribu un müsu atbalstitäjiem, sadarbibas partneriem.

Support our charity projects

Get involved and help us reach our goals for various charity projects

Information for donators

All the relevant information You want to read before giving support

Become a volunteer with us

The most valuable resource You can give is your time!


Reģ. nr.: 50008218771
Jur. adrese: Spāres iela 18 k-1, Rīga, LV-1002
Banka: AS Swedbank
Konts: LV21HABA0551046111790
Biedrībai "TAVI DRAUGI" ir piešķirts sabiedriskā labuma organizācijas statuss.

Adrese: Ventspils 50, Rīga LV-1002.

Telefons: +371 22481985.

Visas tiesības aizsargātas.© 2024 Biedrība “Tavi Draugi”