Active projects

Project implementation period: 01.06.2023–31.05.2025.

The project “Support of the professional integration process of Ukrainian civilians in Latvia, exchange of experience and information in Latvia and the Baltic States” was approved in 2023.

The U.S. Department of State allocated USD 1.86 million to six non-governmental organizations in Latvia for programs to assist Ukrainian refugees in Latvia. This represents the largest U.S. government contribution to support Ukrainian refugees in Latvia.

The NGOs were selected through an open competition administered by the U.S. Embassy for funding through the 2023 Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act. The program addresses the unprecedented refugee influx caused by Russias unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

We, the association Tavi Draugi, are proud to be one of the funding beneficiaries. Within the project, we will set up and equip two mobile Help Points to distribute information and provide critical services to Ukrainian refugees, as well as renovate the children’s daycare center at Ventspils iela 50, Riga.

Project purposes:

1. renovate and furnish the children’s daycare center at Ventspils iela 50, Riga;
2. purchase and equip two mobile vehicles for the dissemination of information, provision of legal advice, advice on employment opportunities and integration into Latvian society, and psychological support services for Ukrainian refugees in Latvian regions;
3. collect and transfer donations, gather information on the needs of and issues faced by Ukrainian civilians in Latvian regions. 

Total costs of the project: USD 298,512, where USD 249,912 of the eligible costs are covered by the U.S. Department of State and USD 48,600 are co-financed by the association Tavi Draugi.

Project location: Venstpils iela 50, Riga, and the whole territory of Latvia. Preparatory workfor the project is currently underway. 

Help to the organisation “Козацьке Коло” for taking care of the homeless animals

“Козацьке Коло” is an organisation which goes daily to the de-occupied areas in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine taking food to pets who have become homeless and ownerless.

How did it all begin?

In 2023, our team went to the de-occupied territories together with the organisation “Козацьке Коло” to deliver humanitarian aid to the civilians. On our way, the representative of “Козацьке Коло” stopped at several places to feed our four-legged friends who had suffered from the war. The food taken along could be described as rather meagre, i.e. porridge mixed with boiled potatoes, the cheapest and most nutritious thing they could afford to buy to save these unfortunate animals from agonising death of starvation. As we saw with our own eyes that there were a lot of such animals, but “Козацьке Коло” did not have enough financial resources to help all of them by providing wholesome and nutritious meals, we realised that we had to help.

Why must we go on helping?

When people were fleeing from the front-line and occupied territories, not all of them could take their four-legged family members with them. Animals are also afraid of shelling blasts and horrors of war, but they cannot get into a car and drive somewhere quieter, nor can they read signs to understand that they cannot leave the road because the ditches and meadows are mined. As a result, there are now very many not only abandoned but also injured animals, who have lost a paw or an ear or have been seriously injured.

What kind of help do we provide?

Together with the financial support of the Sofi Charity Foundation (Sofi is one of the largest donors to shelter animals in Latvia), we regularly send shipments of dog and cat food to the organisation “Козацьке Коло”. This food goes not only to abandoned animals in the de-occupied areas, but also to civilians who have taken in the homeless cats and dogs, to make their care a little easier; as we all know, our four-legged friends are not cheap to provide for. Helping animals is a work of the heart, and it is not easy at all, because many animals are frightened by the horrors of war and no longer trust humans and, let’s face it, you can’t blame them because the scariest animal they have seen in their lifetime is now a human. For this reason, it is very complicated to help these animals, so the organisation has to be creative and invent special feeding devices where the food bowl fills automatically without a human being present.

The team of Tavi Draugi is committed to providing food for animals in the war-affected areas until the end of the war, because we are responsible for those we have tamed, and we believe that neither any children nor any pets should be treated as strangers!

Project implementation period: 01.09.2022–…

Izyum is a town in the eastern part of Ukraine, 120 km from Kharkiv. Izyum is a small town by Ukrainian standards, with around 50 000 inhabitants before the war.  In March 2022, Izyum came under the control of russian troops, spending six long months under the aggressor’s occupation. Over half a year, the occupying army had devastated the town, destroying or partially destroying countless houses and leaving many of its inhabitants homeless. Last winter was very harsh for the people of Izyum, who had to learn to survive without gas, electricity, heating and, for many, even without a roof over their heads. But the inhabitants of this town are tenacious people, they learned to survive even in a seemingly impossible situation – by collecting branches and firewood, cooking on thrift stoves in the backyards, living in cellars and supporting each other.

A little over a year has passed since Izyum was liberated from occupation – part of its inhabitants have returned and are now trying to rebuild their lives from scratch, despite missiles still being fired over the city. Today, the town has around 27 000 inhabitants who are stubbornly collecting brick by brick to renovate their homes, glazing their windows, cleaning up their yards and the town’s streets, in order to bring back some of the normal rhythm of life to Izyum. Who are these people who have decided to stay in their hometown? These are mostly pensioners, but also women and children who, for various reasons, have decided that despite the dangerous conditions they will not leave their homes.

It is very difficult to rebuild and start a new life in war conditions when you have neither any savings in your bank account nor a job, so it is very important to help these people and not neglect them.

For this reason, we in the association Tavi Draugi, have also taken patronage of the inhabitants of this town and the neighbouring villages. In cooperation with volunteers in Kharkiv, we organise regular assistance to the inhabitants of Izyum, bringing food, medicine, clothing, hygiene products, food for animals, as well as gifts for children, because even in times of war, children remain children, who want to play carefree or have some tasty candies. These people are not well-off, so they are extremely grateful for every little thing that is brought to them; and, unfortunately, for many of them everyday things like hygiene products or sweets are luxuries they cannot afford.

The first shipment of Tavi Draugi aid was delivered to Izyum in the autumn of 2022. In total, 5 shipments of aid have been delivered to Izyum, and our partners Victoria and Ruslan have distributed them to the inhabitants of Izyum and its surroundings, as well as to the army units fighting in the vicinity of Izyum.

For our team, Izyum is not just another point on the map of Ukraine where humanitarian aid has been delivered.  Victoria and Ruslan keep us regularly informed about what is happening in the town, send us greetings from the civilians and army units we have helped, and photos and videos sharing with us the issues and needs of the local population. Therefore, we are determined to go on helping people living in Izyum and its vicinity as long as it is necessary. We do not finish our story with a full stop but rather with an ellipsis as the story will be continued.

Project implementation period: 20 May 2024-31 December 2024

With the support of the Riga City Neighbourhood Residents Centre (AIC) and funding from the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the implementation of the project “YOU CAN DO IT!” was launched at “TVORCHI ZUSTRICHI” (“Creative meetings” in Ukrainian) Cultural and Educational Centre of the association Tavi Draugi. The aim of the project: to continue ensuring support to Ukrainian civilians living in Riga to integrate into Latvian society and the labour market.

Until the end of 2024, various activities will be organised under the project: Latvian language conversation club, lectures-seminars, creative workshops, and improvisation club sessions.

The Latvian language conversation club would involve Ukrainian civilians with Latvian language skills of Levels A1 or A2 who are willing to improve their ability to express themselves and communicate in Latvian by talking about a variety of everyday and practical topics in a relaxed atmosphere, thereby strengthening their language skills.

Lectures-seminars on topical issues of the Latvian labour market will provide Ukrainians with knowledge and understanding on how to write a successful CV and a motivation letter, on labour law and tenancy rights, about business types, starting a business, and taxes, as well as advertising on social networks and media literacy.

At the creative workshops, Ukrainians as well as Latvians will have an opportunity to develop their creative skills and make the most of their free time. At the same time, socialising and interaction will be promoted, and social inclusion activities will be provided.

Participants of the improvisation club’s development sessions will work on self-control, body language and impulses in order to overcome their own prejudices and successfully steer the conversation in the desired direction. Both Ukrainians and Latvians are also welcome to take part in those activities.

“In parallel with providing practical and material assistance to Ukrainian civilians in Latvia, we would like to give them an opportunity to make the most of their time here by learning new skills and competences. For example, the idea of a Latvian language conversation club was initiated by Ukrainians, volunteers of our association. They are diligently studying the Latvian language at courses and are seeking opportunities to apply their knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere. We are grateful to the Riga City Neighbourhood Residents Centre for their support that enables us to continue to help Ukrainians integrate into Latvian society and build their careers in our labour market,” says Renāte Grundštoka, representative of the association Tavi Draugi and the Head of the project “YOU CAN DO IT!”.

All events are free of charge, subject to prior registration. Further information about the project activities and application will also be available on the social media accounts Facebook or Instagram.

The project is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.